Archive for category Image processing
HTML5 Canvas experiments
Posted by Jurgen in Image processing on March 23rd, 2011
HTML5 is supported by more and more browsers. It has a nice feature called the ‘canvas’ element. It is an element on which you can ‘paint’ using e.g. JavaScript. I experimented with this new canvas element. You can view the experiments (clock, 3D-axis and rotation, ray tracer) and view the source too! The ray tracer should be activated in Chrome or Safari as Firefox and Internet Explorer tend to be (very) slow.
Math behind a world sunlight map
Posted by Jurgen in Algorithms, Image processing, Simulation on May 14th, 2009
My neighbour has a map of the world on the wall. You can see it from the street in front of his house. It has a backlight but that only illuminates half of the map. The transition from day to night is shaped like a sine wave most of the time. It actually is a physical world sunlight map. Of course, you can simulate this with a computer too. There even is an instance using Google maps.
As many roads lead to Rome multiple ways are possible to this simulation. One could model the sun, earth, maybe more and start ray tracing. This approach would include solar eclipses but is quite heavy by means of the load on the processor. Because of the number of calculations involved in ray tracing is quite high. The way I choose to describe fully in this article is one close to it. Using vectors pointing from a sphere (earth) to a point (sun) I map a Mercator projected map of the world on the sphere. The challenges included are the yearly orbit of earth around the sun and it’s 23.5° tilted 24 hour spin. Read the rest of this entry »